The Institute for Mechanical Systems is committed to a long-term sustainable development of our society by delivering cutting-edge education and research in the broad field of mechanics and materials. On many axes of activities we consider systems from the small- to the large-scale, from basic research to applications using theoretical, computational and experimental approaches.
Research Groups
Computational Mechanics Group
Prof. Laura De Lorenzis
We develop mathematical models and computational frameworks to describe complex mechanical processes and to optimize materials, processes and structural designs. To achieve highest accuracy and efficiency, we use modern simulation methods and develop them further. Read More
Mechanics & Experimental Dynamics
Prof. Jürg Dual
Waves, vibrations in solids as well as micro- and nanosystem technology. In particular, both basic research and applications in the area of sensors (viscometry), nondestructive testing, mechanical characterization of microstructures, and gravitational interaction of vibrating systems. Read More
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
Prof. George Haller
We develop nonlinear dynamical systems methods to solve complex problems in applied science and engineering. We specialize in divising analytical and numerical techniques for problems with nonstandard features: high-dimensional, strongly nonlinear, time-dependent or multi-scale. Read More
Research Groups
Mechanics and Materials
Prof. Dr. Dennis Kochmann
In our group, we combine methods of theoretical, computational and experimental solid mechanics with the ultimate goal to accurately describe, to thoroughly understand, and to reliably predict the performance of materials, and - ultimately - to create novel, engineered materials (or metamaterials) with exceptional properties. Read More
Experimental Continuum Mechanics
Prof. Edoardo Mazza
The study of the mechanical behavior of living tissues is a fascinating and challenging application of continuum mechanics: soft biological tissues are inhomogeneous, viscoelastic, anisotropic and are typically subjected to large deformations. Read More
Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Manufacturing
Prof. Dirk Mohr
We are passionate about mechanical problems that involve very large deformations and catastrophic failure. This includes the full spectrum from quasi-static to extreme dynamic loading conditions. Read More
Engineering Dynamics
Dr. Paolo Tiso
We tackle challenging structural dynamics problems by providing efficient numerical methods to enable analysis, design, optimisation and in-service monitoring. Read More