Dr. Alberto Stracuzzi

Dr.  Alberto Stracuzzi

Dr. Alberto Stracuzzi

Staff of Professorship for Mechanics

ETH Zürich

Professur für Mechanik

LEE M 209

Leonhardstrasse 21

8092 Zürich


Research Topic

Phase separation-​induced microstructures

Phase separation is a physical process that occurs when a mixed, homogeneous mixture of substances separates in different phases ... Read Project Details


Multiscale computational modelling of cellular interactions

Cells populating the tissues of our body are continuously subjected to stimuli coming from their environment. The latter is known as extracellular matrix (ECM) and it is composed of interstitial fluid and different types of macromolecules, mainly organized in 3D networks. These constituents physically transmit the external biophysical loads up to the receptors of the cells, which sense and process them during their whole lifecycle in order to adapt or guarantee the tissue functionality.
Discrete and continuum models of tissues are used to unravel the complex mechanisms behind these cell-ECM interactions, in order to understand how macroscopic loads are translated down to microscopic cues at the cellular level, and vice versa.


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